5 Reasons to Consult with a Sports Medicine Doctor

Reasons to Consult with a Sports Medicine Doctor

Contrary to what its name suggests, “sports medicine” is not a specialty limited only to athletes or to repairing injuries that occur on the playing field. Sports medicine can be beneficial – if not indispensable – for all kinds of people who face various injuries from different activities.

Here are five reasons why you may want to schedule an appointment with a board-certified sports medicine physician:

  1. You have an acute sports injury

    The most common reason to see a sports medicine doctor is having recently suffered an acute, sudden injury to a bone, muscle, or ligament while playing sports, exercising, or even doing basic activities like walking. Sprains, fractures, knee or back injuries, and joint dislocations are examples of these types of injuries.

  2. You have a chronic sports injury

    Unlike acute injuries, which happen suddenly as a result of trauma, chronic injuries develop over time. These are often caused by overuse or exceeding the reasonable limits that bones and muscles can handle. Common examples include rotator cuff injuries, inflamed tendons, and stress fractures.

  3. You need orthopedic surgery

    While not all sports medicine doctors are surgeons, many sports injuries require surgical intervention or minimally invasive surgical procedures. In such cases, having a physician who is board-certified in orthopedic surgery and sports medicine ensures optimal care to address injuries and conditions that require surgical solutions.

  4. You are recovering from a sports injury

    A sports medicine specialist not only repairs injuries but also plays a key role in helping patients recover and regain the performance and function they had before the injury. The physician may prescribe a recovery plan that includes medications, physical therapy, support devices, mobility exercises, and other treatments designed to ensure a fast and lasting recovery.

  5. You want to prevent future sports injuries

    Prevention is a fundamental part of sports medicine, especially if you are starting a new sport, activity, or exercise routine. By visiting a sports medicine doctor before beginning a new physical activity that you plan to invest time and effort in, the doctor can:

    • Conduct a physical exam to ensure the activity is safe for you.
    • Recommend a conditioning program to prepare you for the activity.
    • Provide advice on safe training and the use of proper equipment.
    • Offer nutrition and healthy lifestyle recommendations.
    • Suggest a program of warm-up, stretching, and cool-down routines.

Schedule an Appointment Today

In our clinic, we work with athletes and active individuals every day. We know how important it is for them to get back to the activities they love after suffering an injury. That is why we are committed to using the most advanced and effective methods to relieve pain and restore mobility as quickly as possible. Our team is always ready to welcome new patients, and we can generally schedule new patient appointments within a few days. Contact us today to schedule your appointment – we look forward to meeting you!

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